Message from Director's

Dr A K M Hamid, Managing Director

I am pleased to welcome you all to our website.I would like to thank our valuable customers and reliable suppliers. Besides, I would like to make a special mention of our staffs’ enthusiastic contribution in establishing our organization. The one thing I would like to present is that our leadership is a result of our employees. They have clearly made Vision Group one of the outstanding organizations. We know our highly trained staffs and workers apply their specialized knowledge to reliably and efficiently produce high quality products.

A S M Mahfuz, Chairman

We are now in an ever-changing market environment. In such situation, we firmly believe that “trust” is the key element in persuading customers to choose our quality products. We totally accept that “trust” can create a “Win-Win Situation” for a long deeper relationship.

A H A Gaffar, Director

Vision Group has been in business for 27 years because we understand the importance of providing customers with the products and quality. The continued success of our business is a direct result of the quality of the people we employ. This is reflected in the pride each employee takes in providing a quality products. We aim to build strong relationships with all buyers through open and honest communication.

Ershad Hazari, Director

on behalf of the Board of Directors, we thank our suppliers,buyers and our staffs who trust and support of the company’s operations as well. Also, thank you to the management. And employees of the company who cooperate through various obstacles and dedicate to working fully. The Board of Directors and Management insist in our commitment to make more growth to our company. Managed with professionalism and good corporate image and make sustainable successful to our company further.